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目前,阿省的EE类移民项目分为两类:普通EE类(General Express Entry和 EE科技试点(EE Tech

阿省普通EE项目(General Express Entry



阿省EE科技试点(EE Tech



●      申请人拥有阿省符合要求工作经验

●      申请人毕业于阿省高校,并获得工作Offer

●      申请人有亲属定居在阿省,且该亲属为加拿大永久居民或加拿大公民,包括父母、子女和兄弟姐妹;

●      申请人以法语为第一语言;

●      特定职业申请人,例如科技、医护。


阿省EE普通类别General Express Entry申请条件:

1. 已在联邦EE通道池中建档,并处于被激活的状态“Active”,此条件需满足:

●      语言至少CLB7(雅思G类各项不低于6分);

●      联邦FSW100分评分表达到67的通过线;

●      至少1年工作经验TEER 0/1/2/3级别岗位);

2. 有阿省雇主的全职工作job offer

3. 联邦EE-CRS评分至少300以上;

4. 表明永久移民至Alberta省的意愿。







阿省EE科技试点(EE Tech申请条件:

1. 符合EE类基本要求(对于境外申请人而言,雅思G类各项不低于6至少一年相关职业工作经验、联邦六项打分达到67);

2. CRS评分达到300(在LMIA 50分的情况下很容易达到);

3. 持有阿省指定tech职业工作offer

4. 雇主属于阿省指定行业。





阿省EE Tech项目指定的职业

●      00012 高管-财务、通信及其他商业服务 Senior managers - financial, communications and other business services

●      10011 人力资源经理 Human resources managers

●      10022 广告,营销,以及公共关系经理 Advertising, marketing and public relations manager

●      10030 电信运营商经理 Telecommunication carriers manager

●      11200 人力资源专业人员 Human resources professionals

●      11202 广告、市场营销及公共关系职业 Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations

●      12101 人力资源及招聘人员 Human resources and recruitment officers

●      20010 工程经理 Engineering managers

●      20011 建筑和科学经理 Architecture and science managers

●      20012 计算机和信息系统经理 Computer and information systems managers

●      21210 数学家、统计学家和精算师 Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries

●      21211 数据科学家 Data scientists

●      21220 网络安全专家 Cybersecurity specialists

●      21221 业务系统专家 Business system specialists

●      21222 信息系统专家 Information systems specialists

●      21233 网页设计师 Web designers

●      21223 数据库分析师和数据管理员 Database analysts and data administrators

●      21231 软件工程师和设计师 Software engineers and designers

●      21230 计算机系统开发人员和程序员 Computer systems developers and programmers

●      21232 软件开发人员和程序员 Software developers and programmers

●      21234 web开发人员和程序员 Web developers and programmers

●      21300 土木工程师 Civil engineers

●      21301 机械工程师 Mechanical engineers

●      21310 电气和电子工程师 Electrical and electronics engineers

●      21311 计算机工程师 Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)

●      22110 生物技师和技术员 Biological technologists and technicians

●      22212 制图技术人员 Drafting technologists and technicians

●      22220 计算机网络和网络技术人员 Computer network and web technicians

●      22221 用户支持技术人员 User support technicians

●      22222 信息系统测试技术员 Information systems testing technicians

●      22301 机械工程技术人员 Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians

●      22302 工业工程和制造技术人员 Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians

●      22310 电气电子工程技术人员 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians

●      32120 医学检验技术人员 Medical laboratory technologists

●      32129 其他医疗技师及技术员 Other medical technologists and technicians

●      33101 医疗实验助手和相关技术职业 Medical laboratory assistants and related technical occupations

●      41402 商业发展干事及营销研究人员及顾问 Business development officers and market researchers and analysts

●      50011 经理-出版,影片, 传播和表演艺术 Managers – publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts

●      51120 制作人、导演、编舞人员和相关职业 Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations

●      52120 平面设计师和插画家 Graphic designers and illustrators

●      60010 公司销售经理 Corporate sales managers

●      72200 电工(工业和电力系统除外)Electricians (except industrial and power system)

●      72201 工业电工Industrial electricians

●      72205 电信设备安装及有线电视服务技术人员 Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians


阿省EE Tech项目指定的雇主行业

●      2211 发电与配电行业 Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution

●      3251 化学制造业 Basic Chemical Manufacturing

●      3254 医药制造业 Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing

●      3333 机械制造业 Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing

●      3341 计算机制造业 Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing

●      3342 通讯制造业 Communications Equipment Manufacturing

●      3343 音频/视频制造业 Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing

●      3344 半导体及电子配件制造业 Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing

●      3345 航海、医疗产品及控制仪器制造业 Navigational, Medical and Control Instruments Manufacturing

●      3346 光学产品制造业 Manufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical Media

●      3364 航天产品制造业 Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing

●      4173 计算机和通信设备及用品批发商 Computer and Communications Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers

●      5112 软件开发 Software Publishers

●      5121 电影/视频行业 Motion Picture and Video Industries

●      5173 有线和无线电信运营商 Wired and Wireless Telecommunications Carrier (except Satellite)

●      5174 卫星通讯 Satellite Telecommunications

●      5179 其他电信行业 Other Telecommunications

●      5182 数据处理、托管和相关服务 Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services

●      5191 其他信息服务 Other Information Services

●      5413 建筑、工程及相关服务 Architectural, Engineering and Related Services

●      5414 专业设计服务 Specialized Design Services

●      5415 计算机系统设计及相关服务 Computer Systems Design and Related Services

●      5417 科学研究与开发服务 Scientific Research and Development Services

●      5419 其他专业、科学和技术服务 Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services

●      7115 独立艺术家、作家和表演者 Independent Artists, Writers and Performers

●      8112 电子及精密设备维修与保养 Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance